Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Suing DSU, Down the 'rabbit hole' of our justice system

In October of 2012 I met a graduate from a school in my second hometown of Washington D.C.. Dr. Jahi Issa was a large possibly ( later confirmed ) football type of scholar athlete and very much a scholar. He raised his children in the public library. He seemed quite insane at first. He had been arrested for nothing, a man had been hanged in a lynching, antoher man was nearly lynched, and the police were covering all of it up.
  My training in safety, first aid, and asset protection kicked in and I checked the man from head to toe. No signs of any drug use and he didn't look like he knew how to strike a match.
  I leaned in to his voice to see if he had been drinking, Was thinking I would be having something similar when I got home and took my shoes off. He hadn't been drinking. I met his children. He wasn't totally insane or illogical. I was troubled.
  So I looked into his story to disprove all of it. Even his arrest, My experience with Howard University, his Alma Matter, was that disorderly could have happened. I'm from D.C. we are a disorderly people in our time by definition. It is a lifestyle. Getting a DO charge at a protest in town is almost a badge of honor. A resume point in some circles.
    I almost lost it when I found out the Dr.'s memory of his arrest was photographic, his account was correct and he was traumatized by his ordeal. I went through something similar in my younger years. His pain haunted me.
    He won his criminal trial after a long and bitter battle. We are at peace, the people who did that will have to find their own peace. We pray for them.
   Now seven years after his arrest Dr. Issa is on the cusp of a civil jury trial and it appears that his lawyers dropped the ball.
  After reading briefs and hearing oral arguments the Judge made a statement about the arrest of Dr. Issa that was factually incorrect but not based on anything stated in arguments and I didn't read the motions.
  With six lawyers sitting there, three getting tax write offs for pro-bono work and three well paid with our tax dollars one would hope somebody would have read the trial transcrpts? My expectations are too high.
 Either way, if that was something the court had read or not three highly educated and credentialed pretty peoples sat there like deer in the headlights for that one and they had the 'gun'. Suspishouz,
  Because Delaware was trying to jail an innocent man I did everything I could to help him because it could have been anyone, even me. I would pray for help and I only regret not being able to do more. I can't really rest until my brother is whole.
  Really I would rather be learning to program remote control camera drones and studying for an FAA certification to fly UAVs for commercial purposes. My desire is to spend my time helping people trying to better their lives in my community which is ravaged by drugs and crime.
  I am an involuntary citizen journalist and Delaware's leading white black nationalist because we live in that kind of world. In truth I'm an equal protection under the law activist. Egalitarian if I need to 'classified'. Ancap one each. I don't like to politic or 'people'.
  This matter is more important than that to me.
  In any case, Dr. Jahi Issa vs Delaware State University and others is about the First Amendment  and that is what the judge missed. Chief Downes testified under oath that students engaged in pro-DSU activity would not need a permit from his department ( himself ) but protests against the university would. I was there when he said it and Defense counsel moved to drop all charges.
  Judge Charles Welch decided that the trial could proceed on false arrest alone because it was not lawful to resist an unlawful arrest. Hung Jury,
Retrial, Judge Welch tapped out and dismissed the case with prejudice in 2014
finally ending the ordeal of the trial.
  Leaving Dr. Issa divorced, bereft of his children, and homeless. Now just getting back on his feet with a job well below his experience he is grateful to be teaching young people again and igniting them with his passion for learning and exercising their rights and responsibilities.
  Throughout his ordeal he has maintained his humanity and integrity when lesser people would have fallen to dishonor or worse. I am proud to call him my brother and if any one ever accuses me of being half the man he is my life will have been well lived.
    Thankfully at this point there will be a trial and the truth will come out, on the record. Depositions are over, and hopefully this ugly chapter will be soon. Dr. Issa has expressed that it might not be in the best interest of the University's brand and image to keep pursuing defenses that can be refuted with publicly available records. Like criminal trial transcripts .
    He doesn't seek any retribution or revenge and regrets that the can't just walk away without justice for his children who lost their father and their way of life. His oldest daughter is in college and she attended the hearing.
  No media was present. Apparently getting bum rushed, locked up, fired, defamed, and made destitute for exercising your First Amendment rights isn't a big deal to Delaware's fourth estate? Fair enough. I can't be silent.
  If you're still reading this it is likely only to see if you can prosecute me or sue me. I leave you in the Grace and Comfort of the Lord. Be well.


  1. Well written Mr.Doug. Thanks for you and your wife tremoundous support! I am extremely grateful that my dad has a supportive and genuine friend such as yourself. The truth shall be revealed.

  2. The strife of human conflict creates bonds if we allow it. Your appearance met much to your father as well. He knew I would have gotten him right even if I had to summon 'volunteers' :D But it meant the world to him when you walked up and he could get his daughter to assist him. I get it, and thank you.
