Thursday, April 11, 2019

Delaware demands respectful Negroes.

Imagine yourself in your dream job, in a marriage you treasure with three vibrant children and two cars, on track for tenure at a state university. Then without warning you are falsely arrested, fired without cause, maliciously prosecuted, you lose your marriage, your home, you car and your ability to care for your children or even be with them. Then you spend the better part of six years being homeless.
  All for doing nothing wrong? Welcome to Delaware, this is BIDEN country . Blacks In Delaware Experience Nightmares.

  Dr. Jahi Issa was on a tenure track at Delaware State University fulfilling his dual life goals of becoming a phd and teaching at a Historically Black College or University. His students wanted to attend a board meeting at the University which was open to the public. Dr. Issa was leading his class in front of the Martin Luther King Jr. Student Center in a rally/demonstration before the meeting. They had called Delaware ACLU to be sure their activity was protected and that they would not need a permit.
  Two years prior the equestrian team, predominantly white and female  had demonstrated after consulting Dr. Issa. He was present at their event as were campus safety personnel. Nobody was restricted from protesting or required to have a permit.
  Dr. Issa however is not a white girl on a  horse so they locked him up, fired him, defamed him, arguably committed felonies to prosecute him for misdemeanors, and destroyed his family and career in the process. How he maintained his grip on sanity is any one's guess. Formidable persons have gone feral over less throughout history.

  Since Delaware is an incestuous cesspool of inequity Dr.  Issa had his food stamps and unemployment cut off. His marriage did not withstand the strain, he lost his children which meant the world to him. They have not all slept under the same roof for some five years or longer. He missed his son and daughter's high school years being an absentee parent. 

  His criminal trial was a sham and ended in a hung jury. The judge pulled so much crap he should change his name from Charles B. Welch to Charlie B. Craptastic.
  To Judge Welch's credit, he did tap out and dismiss the charges with prejudice before anybody could get some federal attention on him.  Very smooth.
  Then the civil ordeal to make Dr. Issa whole began. Since 2014 justice delayed haa been justice denied. For some reason his case drew the Chief Judge of the U.S. Court in the district of Delaware.
  For some reason this judge is also making inaccurate statements of fact from the bench and using said spoken horse crap as the basis for rulings against Dr. Issa.

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