Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blacks In Delaware Experience Nightmares

 B.I.D.E.N.. Name or acronym? Yes. Joe Biden is the Vice President of the United States and his home state of Delaware is the one the civil rights movement missed.  Black men hanging from trees in this state are always 'suicides'.

     Within very recent memory, two arrests of non-violent, non-criminal, African American intellectuals has driven home this point, as if the five hanging 'suicides' of five African American men in Delaware's central Kent County failed to impress such on the conscious.

  In 2012 Jahi Issa was arrested for being black at a black college where he worked. After more than two years he was finally tried for the lone count of resisting arrest, which ended in a hung jury. The state rolled the dice again and finally the judge said 'no mas' and dismissed with prejudice.

  In 2014 we had an election and Lamar Gunn won recorder of the deeds. He won at least two more counts, they finally counted the 'right way' and ended the process. The election was invalidated by a court ( appointed judges here ) and the governor, Happy Jack Markell, appointed the defeated incumbent.

  Significant to note that Gunn is a black man who insists that there is fraud in the recorder of deeds office and who won a lawsuit along those grounds.

  Enter Chris King, an attorney, journalist, and activist. Mr. King went to the Kent County building to film the recorder of deeds office and was arrested.

  Mr. King would have settled his resulting lawsuit for peanuts. but as usual our self and citizen sodomizing cretins that pass for public servants weren't having that. A trial judge that uses clever synonyms for racial slurs and ignores case law. Complicit police, witness tampering, classic racketeering.

  Now Mr. King's civil suit must do the Delaware Judicial dance o' death so we can get to Federal Court. Again, a black man thinks the Constitution of the United States applies to him in Joe Biden's state. Again, it's going to cost a lot of money, again, the very fabric of our society is offended. Again, Joe Biden is still thinking about that one scene in "Deliverance".

Chris King's motion to recuse the judge pretty much sums it all up. The judge derided him personally and ignored case law. Why is nobody in Delaware surprised? Because we know Joe!

   Don't doubt one thing, Joe knows what back in chains means, that's how Joe keeps his negroes in line!

 The specifics of case law and the specific unprofessional conduct in THIS CASE on THIS SPECIFIC MATTER can be seen along with the entire motion to recuse the judge here.

Meanwhile as the Motion shows, every other State or Federal Court in the Country allows journalist video of public officials in lobby or public meeting areas, but not Kent County Delaware, and definitely not for a negro.